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How Cell Phones Can Hurt Your Relationship

People tell me that they are not good at talking on the phone or face to face and so resort to texting. My question is, “What would you have done before cell phones?” Well, they would have developed their communicate skills and overcome their inability.

But that is not the case today. Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to become stunted, to not better ourselves, to hide behind a little screen, and to settle for virtual relationships rather than real ones. Many people are losing who they are in the world of social media. This video sums up the state of social media today.

Look Up

Texting does not help you to really know a person, but rather, only ‘about’ a person. You can know everything about a person but not really know them. Sometimes, they are very different people in person than behind a screen.

Remember the days when we used to actually call people on the phone to talk? Now we just send a quick text or 1000. People 14-24 years of age send an average of more than 3,500 texts a month (over 120 a day). Young adults, ages 25-34 average more than 2000 a month! Today, you can ask someone out, break up, break up again, argue for three hours, all via text messages. But, is this a good thing?

We used to have a Walkman, a video camera, a regular camera, a huge flashlight and a computer, but now, they’re all in one small cell phone. That’s great! With that being said, cell phones can and are stunting many people’s social skills, conversational skills, and especially their dating lives. We all have been guilty of relying on cell phones as a security blanket or a friend, but they shouldn’t hold us back from developing real relationships.

If you don’t know someone at a Bible study, a meeting, or a party, it’s easy to curl up in a corner and just scroll through Facebook for two hours without going out of your way to meet someone. Instead of breaking into a conversation and making friends, too many choose to stay on the outside and self-medicate on their phones.

There are countless great things cell phones can be used for in daily life. However, when they intrude into relationships or dating in a way that is hurtful, there is a problem. I’m sure there are many more ideas others can add below, but here are a few suggestions I came up with to help foster relationships rather than stunt them:

1. Have the courage to look someone in the eyes when you ask them outor break up with them. If asking them out in person isn’t possible, at least do it over a phone call or Skype where you can have a real conversation. Don’t break up impersonally with someone via text, or worse, by avoiding them and hoping the problem goes away.

2. Never argue or have a deep intense conversation by text. If you find that starting to happen, just call the person and have a real conversation about the problem. Some claim it’s quicker just to text, but that’s not true; it’s usually a cop out. People sit there impersonally arguing with their significant other in groups, at parties, and even church gatherings when one phone call later on would do. They miss out on meeting people and making real friendships. In addition, there are no emotions over a screen. It’s too easy to interpret things differently than the person meant it. The point is, if you want to discuss something deep, or if you have an argument happening, do it in person or over the phone. That’s what a real relationship looks like, not a virtual one.

3. Make a decision not to check your phone on a date or while out to eat. Unless it’s an emergency, keep that time between you and your date special. Show the other person that they are more important than an incoming text, phone call, or Facebook notification.

4. Resist the urge to check your phone. If your date goes to the bathroom, for example, and you have a few minutes by yourself, resist the urge to check Facebook, email, or anything else. Consider praying instead. Think of things to talk about when he or she comes back. Contemplate the other person and how things are going. Think of ways to please him or her. Or, just be content to enjoy a few minutes of silence.

Let’s not be slaves to our phones. Let’s live more in the real world than the virtual one we create, and we will have better, more lasting relationships.

Article originally published by CatholicMatch Institute, which provides resources to help single Catholics develop a strong foundation for marriage through advocacy, programs, and scholarships. Used with permission.

Life Matters: Domestic Violence

October is both Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Respect Life Month. The following is the full text of a pamphlet from the 2013-2014 Respect Life Program. All seven pamphlets are available here.

Domestic violence is a hidden scourge on our families and communities. Those who are victimized often keep it a private matter for various reasons: fear, shame, well-intended efforts to preserve the family. Aggressors, if they even recognize their problem, are not likely to have it addressed. Yet it touches many, and knows no boundaries of race, social class, ethnicity, creed or age (most victims are first abused as teens). Statistics suggest one in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime, and three in four Americans are reported to know a victim, though most episodes are not reported to the authorities. Although the majority of victims are female, an estimated 15% are males.

Domestic violence and emotional abuse are typically used together in a relationship to control the victim. Persons may be married, living together, or dating. Examples of emotional abuse include name-calling, putdowns, restricting contact with family or friends, withholding money, preventing a partner from working, actual or threatened physical harm (hitting, pushing, shoving), sexual assault, stalking, and intimidation. In The Gospel of Life Blessed John Paul II highlighted the gravity of the issue: “At the root of every act of violence against one’s neighbor there is a concession to the ‘thinking’ of the evil one, the one who ‘was a murderer from the beginning’ (Jn 8:44).” He also outlined the importance of the family as the primary community of life and love in which children are nurtured. How vital it is, then, to understand how to keep family members safe from violence in their homes, and how to heal and reunite families where violence has occurred, when possible.

The person being harmed

Persons experiencing domestic violence are often termed “victims,” or if the situation has resolved, “survivors,” but it is most important to recall they are children of God, with inherent dignity and deserving our love and respect. This is especially true because as abused persons they are often plagued by feelings of shame, fear, and depression, and have lost sight of the essential fact of their dignity and worthiness to be loved. At times they may also make decisions that cause an observer (family member or friend) to question their judgment, or become frustrated with them for remaining in what seems to be an obviously dangerous or hopeless situation.

It is commonly accepted that domestic violence is rarely an isolated incident, but is a pattern of behavior aimed at establishing and maintaining power and control over another. The pattern is typically described as a “cycle of violence,” and the seriousness escalates with each occurrence. The “cycle” begins with a “set-up” phase: The abuser creates a situation in which the victim has no choice but to react in a way that, in the abuser’s mind, justifies the abuse. After the violence, the abuser may fear being held accountable, and so may apologize or make excuses for his or her behavior, pledge to never do it again, or use gifts as a way of coping with guilt or preventing the victim from telling. Next, however, the abuser may excuse the incident as the victim’s fault, or resume “life as usual” as if nothing happened. The abuser expects that the victim will participate in the cover-up. Finally, the abuser thinks about the past and the future in a manner that drives the abuser to mentally “set up” the next episode of violence.

Some victims of domestic abuse have a tendency to “normalize” violent behavior based on experiences in their family of origin, where they struggled with their sense of self-worth, setting boundaries, or emotional dependence. Even though the family of origin was dysfunctional, its unhealthy equilibrium may have been the only thing the person knew.

Consequently, some may feel guilty about considering betraying the abuser, or fear they will be judged or further deprived of affection if they disclose or attempt to leave. These persons benefit from counseling that affirms their inherent dignity, helps them understand the dysfunctional patterns in their past and current relationships, and assists them in establishing a safe home and relationships.

Who are the abusers, and is there hope?

Although common characteristics have been identified, there is no “typical” abuser. In public, they may appear friendly and loving to their family, while the violence and its consequences are hidden from view. The violence does not happen randomly, or solely because of stress or substance abuse; abusers use violence to get what they want. This being said, it is important to recognize that the abusers were not “born that way,” but have their own history of developmental and family problems (often being abused) that can explain how they learned to be aggressive. Because abusers often have a poor sense of self-worth, they do not take responsibility for their actions and try to blame the victim instead. Thus the person perpetrating the violence needs his own help and healing.

Aggressors must first become aware of their need for psychological assistance before they can recover and exercise healthier patterns of bonding and communicating. It is difficult for people to seek help, often burdened by shame, fear of being judged, or psychological issues (e.g., addictions). Once the problem is recognized, there is reason for hope: psychotherapists can help such persons with their thinking, forgiveness, emotional stability, and relationship skills. These skills (e.g., empathy) should be developed first with close friends and family members (initially not the victim), so that the aggressor can experience a healthy manner of dealing with his emotions and disappointments.

Although this work can be lengthy and painful, as the perpetrator’s own dignity and worth are rediscovered and affirmed, his ability to then approach and attempt reconciliation with the offended person is greatly enhanced.

The role of friends and extended family

Although this problem tends to be hidden, friends, colleagues, and extended family can play a critical role in fostering peace. Victims generally ask for help only when the risk of violence increases. An important step to help in preventing or stopping violence is recognizing certain risk factors such as jealousy, hypersensitivity and possessiveness, or controlling, explosive or threatening behaviors. If you believe someone you know may be in a troubled situation, you should call a hotline number for assistance, or encourage the person to do so themselves (911, the local hotline, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233/TTY 1-800-787-3224). Research shows that accessing domestic violence shelter resources reduces the incidence and severity of future violence substantially. When recovering from abuse, victims need guidance in planning for their safety. Consultation with legal advisors can help them to understand how to report and ask for further protection.

In sum, the gravity and difficulty for families touched by domestic violence is severe.

Although the struggle toward healing and recovery can be difficult, our faith gives us reason for hope. On the World Day of Peace in 1997, Blessed John Paul II focused on this theme, as demanding as it is vital: “Offer forgiveness and receive peace…. I know well that it is hard, and sometimes even appears to be impossible to forgive, but it is the only way, because all revenge and all violence give rise to further revenge and violence. It is certainly less difficult to forgive when one is aware that God never tires of loving and forgiving us…. Let us never forget that everything passes, and only the eternal can fill the heart.”

More resources

About the author
Frank J. Moncher, PhD is a Licensed Psychologist of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington (VA) and Managing Director of Integration and Training, Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington.

About the document

Reprinted with permission from:

Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street NE • Washington, DC 20017-1194
Tel: (202) 541-3070 • Fax: (202) 541-3054

Copyright © 2013, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,Washington, D.C.

A Bittersweet Bucket List

Usually when people say that a goal is on their “bucket list” it means that sometime in the as-yet-unplanned, perhaps even distant, future, they’ll hopefully get around to doing something they always wanted to do before they die: memory-making, picture-taking adventures like hang-gliding, traveling to an exotic land, or even writing one’s first novel.

But today I learned about a very different bucket list. Dan and Jenna Haley, young, faith-filled parents from Philadelphia, are expecting their first-born child next month. In April, they learned that their son, Shane Michael, has anencephaly which means that he is missing parts of his brain and possibly skull, and so is not expected to live long. Depending on the severity of his condition, doctors say he may survive as little as a few hours or may live over a year. To celebrate him during Jenna’s pregnancy, they crafted a bucket list of their own favorite things to do. In a local news story, Dan said: “Most families wait until their baby is born to start making memories and traveling to places with them. We…knew that our time with our son could be very limited, so we wanted to make the most of the time that we had with him.”

At the time of this writing, Shane Michael is 35 weeks old in Jenna’s womb, and has been with his parents to many of the places that were significant to them as children: zoos, Delaware beaches, and an aquarium. He’s ridden the famous Wildwood, NJ, ferris wheel, attended family baseball games, and been with his praying parents at the shrines of St. John Neumann and St. Rita. He’s “met” the Phillies and the Flyers, enjoyed Geno’s cheesesteaks, and made a field trip up to New York City, where they visited the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building, among other sites. He and his parents were also honored by friends and family members with a “shower of love” – a different kind of baby shower surrounding these courageous parents with encouragement and support, as well as affection for their little, severely disabled boy.

The Haleys have openly shared their adventures with over 100,000 followers on their “Prayers for Shane” Facebook page. They write: “We are asking for your prayers and support and that God grants us as much time as possible with our beautiful son. Shane has already proven to us that each day must be lived to the fullest and that is exactly what our little family is doing.”

What an incredible witness to the dignity of life! This beautiful couple resisted not only any pressure to abort Shane because of his medical condition, but also the temptation to hide him from the world. Their story shows that every person deserves to be loved. In sharing their bittersweet journey with others, they have shared their son Shane Michael with a huge community who, in turn, have rallied around the couple in their joys, sorrows, and fears. May their story be an encouragement to other families facing adverse prenatal diagnoses.

About the author
Deirdre A. McQuade is Assistant Director for Policy & Communications at the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. This article originally appeared in the Life Issues Forum and is reposted by permission.

Help for Men and Women Struggling with Pornography Use

Pornography has become increasingly more available and accepted in today’s society. Both men and women of all ages have become entangled in the lies and pain of pornography use and even addiction, which has devastating effects on the user and his or her spouse and family.

It is important that those who are using pornography and those that are affected by a spouse’s receive the support and healing that they need. Below is a select list of resources for those who are struggling with pornography, as well as for their spouses and family members.

For more information about pornography from For Your Marriage, including statistics on pornography use, please visit our Overcoming Obstacles: Pornography articles.

Disclaimer: Please note that the content on this page is provided solely for your information and should not be interpreted as an official endorsement of the organizations, programs, and websites listed. To the best of our knowledge, the information listed here did not conflict with Catholic teaching and was accurate at the time of posting.

Table of Contents

Prayer Resources

Prayer plays a crucial role in the process of breaking free from pornography use.

Here is a link to a Novena for Purity from Covenant Eyes and the Angelic Warfare Confraternity.

Some patron saints of those struggling with purity, whether occasionally or habitually, are: St. Agnes, St. Maria Goretti, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Margaret of Cortona, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Joseph, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Help for Men and Women

Catholic support groups and recovery programs

The Angelic Warfare Confraternity
A supernatural fellowship of men and women dedicated to pursuing chastity under the patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Confraternity is an official apostolate of the Dominican Order.

Breaking Free Blog (for men)
Men helping men to break free and stay free from pornography. Run by the Family Life Center International.

Exodus 90 (for men)
A ninety-day challenge of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity that is designed to help men attain freedom from sexual sin or other struggles. The program was developed at a seminary and today is transforming the lives of thousands of Catholic men across the country. In Exodus 90, men form small teams to go through the challenge together and support one another as they strive to grow in virtue.

Freedom Coaching
A one-on-one mentoring program designed to break the attraction to pornified images. Going beyond mere coping mechanisms, Freedom Coaching is designed to help clients, through a transformation of their desires, to seek and find what is true, good, and beautiful, something that pornified images can never provide.

Imago Dei Counseling
Offers individual and couples counseling/coaching in Colorado Springs as well as telephonically for those dealing with pornography and its effects; also available for adolescents, with the coordination of their parents. The program also provides Catholic Men’s Teleconference, a confidential telephonic men’s program for support in working steps towards healing and recovery from sexual addictions, and Intimacy Restored Intensives, a three-day workshop (Intensive Outpatient Treatment – IOT) in Colorado Springs for couples to begin the process of healing from issues related to pornography or sexual behavior.

Integrity Restored
Founded by Dr. Peter Kleponis, author of the book Integrity Restored: Helping Catholic Families Win the Battle Against Pornography, Integrity Restored is an organization dedicated to helping Catholics fight pornography at all levels. Dr. Kleponis and his Integrity Restored Team – Matt Fradd, Fr. Sean Kilcawley, and Ryan Foley – provide valuable resources and advice on how to protect individuals, couples, and families from the dangers of pornography. Resources are also available for clergy. In addition, information is provided on the Integrity Starts Here Recovery Program, the first comprehensive recovery program for Catholics struggling with pornography addiction and their loved ones.

The King’s Men (for men)
Men’s group focused on building up men as leaders, protectors, and providers. The King’s Men has a special focus on helping men find freedom from pornography addiction with the help of fraternal accountability. Also facilitates wilderness retreats, healing retreats, and parish-based weekly groups in some areas.

My House Initiative
A program of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, My House offers resources for protecting children and families from pornography. A short video with Matthew Kelly and Archbishop Joseph Naumann is available in English and Spanish for protecting families from pornography. Confession cards, church posters, flyers, and prayer cards are also available in both English and Spanish. The videos and resources are available for other dioceses to adapt. The My House Initiative also provides help for individuals and couples who are struggling with pornography including four professional counselors, five weekly recovery groups, and assistance for spouses of pornography users.

Overcome Porn Addiction
Video-based online course for men seeking to overcome pornography addiction. Includes a “Steps to Victory” checklist and a 17-week “Path to Victory Bootcamp” with week-by-week instructions and specific actions to take

Reclaim Sexual Health
Science-based, Catholic resources for those impacted by pornography, masturbation, or other unhealthy sexual behaviors. Offers an anonymous online recovery program for pornography users and spouses of pornography users. Also has information for parents about protecting their children from pornography.

Reconnected is a program to help people who feel betrayed because of their spouse’s porn usage to identify that they are not the cause of this behavior and to assist them to reconnect (reconcile) with their partners. This 15-week course is an online group therapy program, designed and facilitated by Dr. Mark Kolodziej from,  a couples counselor who brings our Catholic faith into the healing process.

Restored Vows
Join Brandon and Tonia on a candid journey, where they reveal their darkest moments and share what they did to find healing and hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. In this free, 14-day video series, Brandon and Tonia share their story and show how recovery and restoration is possible. Learn practical steps that promote honesty, understanding, and trust. Restored Vows gives the tools needed to start improving marriages that have suffered from pornography use.

Road to Purity
Road to Purity’s mission is to reveal to society the physical and spiritual devastation of pornography and sexual addiction while leading men and women to the truth of authentic love and sexual purity. Our vision is to eliminate the desolation resulting from sexual sin and to reveal that there is another way. Road to Purity offers the guidance, tools, and community to achieve lasting purity.

Other Christian support groups and recovery programs

Be Broken Ministries
Be Broken Ministries exists to help men break free from sexually addictive behaviors in order to experience the fullness of life as God created it. They offer workshops, e-courses, in-person and long-distance coaching, and resources for both men and their wives.

Beggar’s Daughter (for women)
Jessica Harris is a former porn addict whose blog covers topics such as pornography, lust, and addiction – all from a woman’s perspective. She is now a speaker and author of a devotional, Love Done Right, a collection of devotionals specifically written for Christian women struggling with lust.

Bethesda Workshops
The mission of Bethesda Workshops is to encourage sexual wholeness by ministering to men and women damaged by sexual sin and addiction, and those hurt by a spouse’s sexual addiction. They offer intensive healing workshops in Nashville, TN for both men and women.

A mentoring program to help men break free from sexual addiction and pornography use. Founded by Michael Leahy, who has a powerful conversion story from a life damaged by pornography addiction.

Heart to Heart Counseling Center
Provides professional counseling to those struggling with sexual addiction and their spouses. Located in Colorado Springs but also presents 3-5 day intensive workshops around the country.

Lifestar Therapy
Offers an intensive 6-day outpatient program (IOP) in a safe, nonjudgmental environment where those struggling with pornography and sexual addiction can find help in treating their addiction. With a strong faith base, Lifestar Therapy integrates developing healthy lifestyle changes and a strong connection with God to help people struggling with addiction and their loved ones heal. For more information, call 888-980-1600 or email

New Life Partners (for women)
An online resource and support group for women whose lives have been impacted by husbands or loved ones caught in the web of pornography and/or sexual addiction.

Proven Men Ministries
Proven Men is a sexual integrity ministry that partners with churches, offering discipleship resources, in order to see individuals and families equipped and restored.

Pure Life Ministries
Pure Life Ministries offers a number of resources and courses for men, women, wives, and pastoral leaders, including a residential treatment program in rural Kentucky, phone counseling, and a home study program for spouses of pornography users and teens.

Support for men and women dealing with pornography addiction, as well as for parents and those who are involved in the pornography industry. X3Pure provides 30-day online workshops for men, women, couples, and parents. X3Groups offers small online support groups led by a trained team member.

Other support groups and recovery programs

A mobile-based recovery program from Fight the New Drug. Youth-oriented and free to anyone under the age of 21. Also includes video education on pornography.

Sexaholics Anonymous
A recovery program and fellowship of men and women who support each other in staying sexually sober. SA is based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and uses a Twelve Step Program. It is not affiliated with any religion or organization.

S-Anon International Family Groups
A program of recovery for those who have been affected by someone else’s sexual behavior. S-Anon is based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and uses a Twelve Step Program. It is not affiliated with any religion or organization. Also provides special programs for teenagers: S-Ateen.

Help for Parents

Covenant Eyes: Unfiltered
A Parent Workshop Kit “for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography” produced by filtering and accountability site Covenant Eyes. Available online for free: “Protecting Your Family Online: A parent’s how-to guide.”

Enough is Enough
Educational site for parents about how to effectively protect children from online pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullies, and other online dangers.

Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids by Kristen A. Jenson and Gail Poyner
A read-aloud story that helps parents teach their children what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to avoid it. It also teaches basic concepts about pornography and brain science, in a way that children can understand. A book for children ages 3-6 is also available, Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Jr: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds.

Integrity Restored
Founded by Dr. Peter Kleponis, author of the book The Pornography Epidemic: A Catholic Approach, Integrity Restored has a section dedicated to helping parents protect their children from pornography and help them navigate a culture imbued with pornography.

Pure Hope
Provides Christian solutions in a sexualized culture. Equips individuals, parents, families, and churches to pursue sexual purity and oppose sexual exploitation. Key areas of focus include parenting, justice (combatting sex trafficking), and recovery for men and women addicted to pornography. Free downloadable resources include “Parenting in a Sexualized Culture” and “Recovery in a Sexualized Culture.”

Protect Young Eyes
Protect Young Eyes is a constantly updated, free website for parents who want to better understand apps, social media platforms, parental controls on popular devices, and how to create an internet-safer home for their kids. Subscribe to their parent technology newsletter by texting the word “protect” (no quotes) to 66866.

Protect Young Minds
Led by Kristen A. Jenson, author of the best-selling children’s book Good Pictures Bad Pictures, Protect Young Minds™ (PYM) seeks to help parents “porn-proof” their kids before they come across highly addictive and easily accessible internet pornography. Additionally, PYM offers guidance for families whose children have already been hurt by pornography and hopes to serve as a “force multiplier” by empowering proactive people who want to educate their local communities

Help for Priests

You Are Loved
As a result of the epidemic of pornography, priests have asked Catholic Answers to produce material specifically to address the subject. Catholic Answers published a resource titled You Are Loved, which offers inspiration and hope for the countless individuals struggling to break free of pornography. Perfect for confessional use, pastoral or counseling support on this particular topic.

Internet Filtering Tools

Covenant Eyes
Offers both internet accountability and filtering systems. Internet accountability helps to reduce temptation and start conversations about online activity. The filter systems will prevent users from accessing certain content and websites. Both of these systems are designed for parents, children, and adults. Available on various devices.

X3Watch, an initiative of XXXChurch, is an accountability and filtering program that allows you to monitor your Internet use, block URLs, filter content, and share your progress with people you trust. Available on various devices.

Advocacy and Education Resources

Religious Alliance Against Pornography
Comprised of diverse religious groups, RAAP is united by its mission to educate people of faith about the harmful and addictive nature of pornography and its corrosive effect on public health, support efforts that help those harmed by the pornography industry, and promote high moral standards in society.

Catholic Answers
Videos of chastity speaker Matt Fradd talking about pornography addiction, recovery, and more.

The Chastity Project
A ministry run by chastity speakers Jason and Crystalina Evert, the Chastity Project features videos on the effects of pornography and recovery from addiction, as well as other chastity-related topics.

Fight the New Drug
A grassroots, youth-oriented, non-religious, non-legislative, non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness on the harmful effects of pornography. They also have a recovery program called “Fortify” (see above).

National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Formerly Morality in Media, this is the leading national organization opposing pornography and indecency through public education. Numerous informative articles about the pornography industry, sex trafficking, and research on pornography’s harmful effects.

The Social Costs of Pornography
In 2010, the Witherspoon Institute published a book of essays about pornography by leading experts in psychology, sociology, law, and more. The companion website of the same name features videos by the authors and others on various topics related to pornography and the pornography industry.

Whispered in the Dark
This one-day conference aims to bring concerned adults, parents, teachers, single/dating folks, priests, lay people, and anyone who wants to be more educated on this epidemic up to date with the best tools and resources to help face, battle, and overcome pornography.

DVDs and Online Streaming

Conquer Series: A Battle Plan for Purity
A five-episode DVD series with a leader’s guide, hosted by Dr. Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries. The series provides scientific information about the effects of pornography and lays out a spiritual strategy for defeating pornography use and addiction. Good for use in small groups or support groups.

The Heart of the Matter: Finding Light in the Darkness of Pornography Addiction
A documentary featuring interviews with men and women about how pornography affected their lives and how they found freedom from it. Available in its entirety on YouTube. DVD special features include a guide for parents, help for wives, and a guide for recovery. 75 minutes, with English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian subtitles.

Books and Other Print Resources

Bought With a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture by Bishop Paul S. Loverde (Diocese of Arlington, 2014).
An updated version of Bishop Loverde’s 2006 pastoral letter on the same topic. The small booklet includes a study guide and a suggested rule of life for those wishing to be free from pornography. See also Bishop Loverde’s article in First Things about the letter’s release: “Let the Battle for Purity Begin” (March 19, 2014).

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity edited by Matt Fradd, foreword by Jason Evert (San Diego: Catholic Answers Press, 2013).
A compilation of real-life, first-person narratives about the corrosive effects of pornography on both men and women, as well as the possibility of gaining deliverance from pornography use and addiction.

Integrity Restored: Helping Catholic Families Win the Battle Against Pornography by Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D. (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2014).
Written by a clinical therapist and the founder of Integrity Restored (see above), this book provides an overview of the effects of pornography on men, women, children, and society, as well as practical advice for breaking free of pornography.

Overcoming Pornography Addiction: A Spiritual Solution by J. Brian Bransfield (New York: Paulist Press, 2013).
A short book by a well-known author and speaker on St. John Paul II’s teachings on the theology of the body. The struggle of pornography is examined through an extended reflection on Chapter 4 of the Gospel of John, Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Read a review of the book on the For Your Marriage website.

Restored: True Stories of Love and Trust After Porn edited by Matt and Cameron Fradd
In Restored you’ll read ten honest, hard-hitting accounts of real women and couples whose lives were shattered by porn’s destructive effects. But because God’s grace is stronger, they were able to find healing and hope, trust renewed, and intimacy Restored. Read a review of the book on the For Your Marriage website. 

Restoring the Years: A Healing Workbook for Women Dealing with Their Husband’s Pornography/Sexual Addiction by Gwyneth Pierce
This interactive book provides women with encouragement and advice about coping with a husband’s addiction to pornography, grounded in Christian teaching and up-to-date psychological science. There is space for journaling and reflecting on relevant Scripture passages.

Restoring the Years: Winning the Battle over Sexual Addiction and Pornography by Gwyneth Pierce.
Restoring the Years provides the earnest reader wisdom and insights drawn from men and women who have fought the fight before you and won! Their stories are backed up with scriptural support, scientific data, and input from noted researchers. You don’t have to let the darkness overtake you. You, too, can overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Let today be a new chapter of hope, freedom, and victory.

The Social Costs of Pornography: A Collection of Papers edited by James R. Stoner, Jr. and Donna M. Hughes (Princeton: Witherspoon Institute, 2010).
A compilation of essays on the harms of pornography, moral arguments against it, and issues related to law and policy. The appendix lists the main research findings. A companion website provides more information, as well as links to purchase the book, a summary version of the book, and a DVD with presentations by the authors.

Transformed by Beauty, Co-Authored by Amanda Zurface, JCL, and The Catholic Gentleman’s Sam Guzman.
Transformed by Beauty is a free e-book offered by Covenant Eyes Inc., the pioneer of Internet Accountability software. Beauty can change your life. That’s a bold statement, but one that has been proven true by countless people. In this e-book, you’ll meet a priest, a musician, a ballerina, and a bodybuilder who all have one thing in common: They found freedom, healing, and peace because they encountered the beauty of a transcendent God. In this free download, you’ll learn: How beauty can help you heal from the wounds of pornography; How to have a redeemed vision and a sacramental approach to sexuality; and How we are called to be craftsmen in making beautiful things.

Wired for Intimacy: How pornography hijacks the male brain by William M. Struthers (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2009).
Written by an associate professor of psychology, this book explains in plain language the science behind the effects of pornography on the brain, particularly the male brain, and how and why addiction happens. Includes a reflection on healthy masculinity in the Christian understanding of the human person.

You Are Loved
A short booklet that offers inspiration and hope for the countless individuals struggling to break free of pornography. Published by Catholic Answers.

The Song: A Call to Unquenchable Love

“Even the wisest of men was a fool for love.”

Coming to theaters September 26, 2014, the music-driven film The Song tells a story of love, courtship, marriage, betrayal and redemption that will ring true to all viewers who have learned firsthand what Pope Francis told twenty brides and grooms on their wedding day: the path of marriage “is not always a smooth one … It is a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times turbulent, but such is life!”

The Song 1

The drama of The Song centers on aspiring folk singer-songwriter Jed King, whom we meet as he struggles to make a name for himself and escape the shadow of his famous musician father, David. Jed reluctantly agrees to a gig at a local vineyard, where he meets the vineyard owner’s daughter, Rose. A romance quickly blossoms, and Jed and Rose are married. In the joy of the dawn after his wedding night, Jed writes “The Song” for his beloved new bride.

This tender love song becomes a surprising breakout hit, and Jed is thrust into the blinding lights of stardom. Temptation is quick on his heels in the form of his attractive touring partner, violinist Shelby Bale, who stokes his ego and challenges his old-fashioned devotion to his wife. As Jed’s popularity grows, his marriage and family life begin a slow, agonizing tailspin of unmet needs, blame, and mistrust, leading finally to a rock-bottom questioning of everything he once believed in: his wife, his faith, and the possibility of lifelong love.

The Song 3

For the viewer well-versed in Scripture, it will come as no surprise that The Song finds its inspiration in “the” song of Scripture, namely the Song of Songs attributed to Solomon. The ancient poetry of the Song of Songs takes on new life in Jed and Rose’s innocent courtship and joyful early marriage:

My lover speaks; he says to me, “Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come! For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come. … Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!” (Song of Songs, 2:10-13)

You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride; you have ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes … How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride, how much more delightful is your love than wine! (Song of Songs, 4:9-10)

In fact, the film echoes not only the Song of Songs, but also Ecclesiastes, also attributed to Solomon. The Song treats Ecclesiastes as autobiographical, tracing Solomon’s later years of searching after meaning in a world filled with pleasure but bereft of true satisfaction. Indeed, as the stresses and tension of Jed’s fame and both spouses’ needs threaten to suffocate the joy of their married life, their malaise is aptly described in the words of Ecclesiastes: “Vanity of vanities, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!” (Ecc. 1:2)

And as Jed seeks to fill his aching heart with popularity, novelty, women and wine, the words of Solomon ring bitingly true:

Nothing that my eyes desired did I deny them, nor did I deprive myself of any joy. … But when I turned to all the works that my hands had wrought, and to the toil at which I had taken such pains, behold! all was vanity and a chasing after wind. (Ecc. 2:10-11)

Such sentiments could easily be put on the lips of so many men and women today. The Song’s strength comes from focusing a fierce, unflinching eye on the suffering experienced by a husband and wife who lose the first joy of marriage, both by subtly “drifting apart” and by more forceful jolts of betrayal and infidelity. Undoubtedly many families will see themselves on the screen in the bewildering undertow of hurt caused by those closest to us, and a seeming inability to recover lost love.

The Song 4

But there is hope! Spoiler alert: The Song has a happy ending. (After all, it is a Christian film!) But the happy ending does not happen in a flip-a-switch-and-everything-is-better sort of way. It’s clear that even after escaping severe trials with their marriage intact, Rose and Jed have some major healing to do. The film is honest in this way too. The wounds inflicted by one’s spouse are not healed instantly, and trust needs to be slowly and resolutely rebuilt. But renewal is possible. The Song gives a realistic message of hope to struggling marriages: Hang in there! Rediscovering your beloved and your “first love” is possible, and it’s worth it!

In this too, The Song echoes Pope Francis’ encouragement to married couples:

To spouses who ‘have become impatient on the way’ and who succumb to the dangerous temptation of discouragement, infidelity, weakness, abandonment… To them too, God the Father gives his Son Jesus, not to condemn them, but to save them: if they entrust themselves to him, he will bring them healing by the merciful love which pours forth from the Cross.

The Song is cinematically impressive, musically enjoyable, and connects to the age-old longing of the human heart for true love and communion. It leaves another line from the Song of Songs in its wake, verses that remind husbands and wives of the rock-solid foundation of their married love:

For stern as death is love,
Relentless as the nether world is devotion;
Deep waters cannot quench love,
Nor floods sweep it away.
(Song of Songs, 8:6-7)

For more information about THE SONG visit The Song website.

Making Multicultural Relationships Work: Our Experience as a Chilean-American Couple

On one particular day in October 2011 (I am not sure of the precise date), I was making my way to class at the Pontifical Catholic University in Santiago, Chile, where I was studying abroad for a semester. The class was held in room N2 in one of the university’s central buildings, a ‘California style’ classroom complex with all the doors facing out to the open air. I took my seat in the second row where I sat next to the other American students, two boys and two girls from the University of Notre Dame. At the beginning of each lecture, the teacher would silence the pre-class chit chat and take attendance, but on that particular day he was occupied with another task in the first couple minutes of class. So the professor delegated the attendance to an agronomy major, Juan, with whom he had been talking before class about his farm in southern Chile. Juan had black hair, tanned skin, and stood about 5’7” tall, and as he sat at the teacher’s desk calling off the list of names, I remember thinking that he had the most wonderful deep baritone voice. Today I hold this memory dear to my heart as the first time I remember seeing and hearing the man I am going to marry.

I have always liked the phrase, “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.” In Chile they have a similar phrase, “Uno propone, Dios dispone” which means something like “Man suggests, God decides.” At that point in my life, I had no idea how true those words would become. I certainly never planned on marrying someone from another country. And yet several weeks later, Juan and I went on a date, salsa dancing, after which he walked me back to my apartment as we talked and talked. We started studying for class together and going on long walks, and our conversation would turn from to what we were interested in and our thoughts on life and faith. We began to realize that this might be for real. Even though we had no idea what the future might hold, with a little faith and a lot of discernment we decided that we would continue discerning a life together despite the long distance and obvious challenges that our relationship presented. And so, after the 11:00 Sunday mass on my last day of the semester abroad, we said goodbye with no fixed plans to see each other again but a certainty God was not yet done with us.

My plans to study more than one semester at the Pontifical and eventually do my Master’s in Linguistics at the University of Chile (which is what I’m doing now) made our relationship possible, albeit with lots of time as a long, long, long distance couple. Juan visited my home in Wisconsin and met my family a year ago. This past April, 2 years and 5 months after we met, he asked me to marry him. Needless to say, I said yes.

The story of how God calls two people to marriage is always beautiful and is unique for every couple. Our story has certainly been unique. At times I have wondered why God would call us to marriage if we are from such different places. Then again, why wouldn’t he? If there is one thing I have learned in my life over the past five years, it is that God has a habit of surprising his followers with plans far more wonderful and challenging than they would ever have made for themselves.

As I reflect on our journey, I would like to talk a little bit about one aspect of our relationship that is not so unique, which is that fact that Juan and I technically speaking are what one might call a multiracial/multicultural couple. I’m not a fan of the label, but the situation it describes is becoming more and more common given the diversity of the United States. Cultural differences, like any other differences we bring to a relationship, can present their own blessings and challenges. There is often a greater need for communication about topics which are taken for granted when you share the same cultural background. It is important to learn about the culture of your significant other, and to make sure you talk about things like: How are gender roles different in your respective cultures? How are children raised? What is the role of extended family? What are politics like? Which values are most important in your respective cultures? And most importantly, how does your significant other feel about these aspects of their culture? After all, we do not adhere to everything our culture dictates. As practicing Catholics, Juan and I find that our values and worldview are often profoundly countercultural in the both the United States and Chile.

Communication, as in any relationship, is very important. Hopefully an engaged couple shares the same values of faith and family. When little issues do arise, which can often stem from cultural differences, be willing to try and understand where your significant other is coming from and to know the difference between non-negotiable values and cultural preferences.

And these little issues will arise. For example, we still haven’t decided what to do about my last name when we marry. According to my cultural traditions, I would take Juan’s last name. But according to Hispanic tradition, I would keep my last name and our children would have two last names, first Juan’s paternal last name and then mine. There are also other issues that we will need to discuss when we have children. In Chile, for example, babies are often not baptized until they are over one year old. I prefer Baptism at a few months, as is typical in the U.S. Besides timeline difference like that, there are also often differences across in the types of educational systems. For example, when I first brought up the idea of potentially homeschooling, this was a completely foreign concept for Juan, as homeschooling is almost non-existent in Chile. And of course there is a language issue. I am the only Spanish-speaker in my family and Juan is the only English-speaker in his, so it will be a priority for us to make sure our children speak both Spanish and English fluently. How we go about doing that will surely be a topic of discussion down the road.

When one person in a relationship is not just from another culture but is also an immigrant, or will be, this can add a new level of stress to the relationship. Juan and I are currently in the process of making decisions about where we are going to live and how and where we are going to pursue our careers while prioritizing our family. Sometimes I worry about Juan facing discrimination in the United States or my children not getting as good an education in Chile. Decisions like these are stressful and incredibly complex, as they will have a tremendous impact on our future. Juan and I try to approach everything with as much openness and honesty as possible, as well as with a lot of prayer and discernment. While these decisions are very stressful, Juan and I have found that they also increase our intimacy as a couple, as they require a lot of in-depth and frank conversations about what we want out of life and how we believe we are called to live out our vocation.

Despite the challenges, multicultural relationships can also be incredibly enriching, so I would leave you with this little piece of advice: Celebrate the best of both cultures. Learn to cook the food, speak the language, and have fun celebrating the holidays and traditions of each. Also, being exposed to how different cultures express their faith can enrich your own. For example, my exposure to Chilean Catholicism has certainly deepened my relationship with Mary.

Finally and most importantly, while I’m very proud to be an American, and Juan Chilean, at the end of the day our true heritage is in Christ, and our citizenship is in heaven.

About the author
Megan grew up in West Central Wisconsin, the second-oldest in a family of four girls. She studied Theology and Spanish at the University of St. Thomas and is currently working toward a Master of Linguistics degree at the University of Chile. She met her fiancé Juan while studying abroad. Juan, also the second-oldest in a family of four kids, grew up on a farm in Tinguiririca, Chile and is currently finishing his degree in Agronomic Science at the Pontifical University of Chile. The couple will be getting married next July.

Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of making public Pope Francis’ theme for next year’s World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia: Love is our mission: the family fully alive. The theme was inspired by the words of the early Church Father, St. Irenaeus, who said that “the glory of God is man fully alive.” In like manner, the glory of men and women is their capacity to love as God loves. And rarely can that love be lived out more intimately and fruitfully than in the family.

wmof logo w fontsAs we begin the “heavy lifting” to prepare for the World Meeting of Families and a possible papal visit, it’s a good moment to pause and reflect.

Every moment of every day, a mother and father are teaching and guiding each other and their children, while witnessing about their love to the world beyond their home. The structure of marriage — if lived faithfully — naturally points a man and woman outward toward the world, as well as inward toward one another and their children. As Augustine once said: “To be faithful in little things is a big thing.”

Simply by living their vocation, a husband and wife become the most important living cell of society. Marriage is the foundation and guarantee of the family. And the family is the foundation and guarantee of society.

It’s within the intimate community of the family that a son knows he is loved and has value. In observing her parents, a daughter first learns basic values like loyalty, honesty and selfless concern for others, which build up the character of the wider society. Truth is always most persuasive, not when we read about it in a book or hear about it in a classroom, but when we see it incarnated in the actions of our parents.

Marriage and family safeguard our most basic sense of community, because within the family, the child grows up in a web of tightly connected rights and responsibilities to other people. It also protects our individual identity, because it surrounds the child with a mantle of privacy and personal devotion. Most of the laws concerning marriage in our culture were originally developed precisely to protect family members from the selfishness and lack of love so common in wider society.

The family is the human person’s single most important sanctuary from mistaken models of love, misguided notions of sexual relationships and destructive ideas about self‑fulfillment. All these painful things, unchecked, can be a centrifugal force pulling families apart.

Love is a counter-force. Love is the glue both for family and society. This is why love is the fundamental mission of the family. It’s why the family must be a sanctuary of love. We most easily understand love when we, ourselves, are the fruit of our parents’ tenderness. We most easily believe in fidelity when we see it modeled by our father and mother.

Love lived generously is the unanswerable argument for God — and also for the dignity of the human heart. And marriage is transformed and fulfilled when spouses cooperate with God in the creation of new life. A husband and wife are completed by sharing in God’s procreative gift of life to their children, who are new and unique images of God.

In my years as a priest and bishop, I’ve seen again and again that the human heart is made for truth. People are hungry for the truth; and they’ll choose it, if it’s presented clearly and with conviction. Therein lies the need for every Christian marriage to be engaged in preaching by example. A husband and wife who model a love for Jesus Christ within their family — who pray and worship together with their children and read the Scriptures — become a beacon for other couples. They also more easily acquire an outward-looking zeal for consciously spreading the Gospel to others, teaching the faith and doing good apostolic works.

Our God is the God of life, abundance, deliverance and joy. And we’re his missionaries by nature and by mandate. In a developed world increasingly indifferent or hostile to God, no Catholic family can afford to be lukewarm about the Church. No culture is so traditionally “Christian” that it’s heard enough about Jesus Christ, or safe from the unbelief and disregard for human dignity which mark our age.

Catholic families have a key role in God’s healing of a broken world. So let’s pray for each other — beginning right now — that the World Meeting of Families 2015 will become for each of us and all of Philadelphia a new Pentecost; a new birth of the Church in each of our hearts … for our own salvation, the salvation of our families and the redemption of the world.

Source: Originally posted in Archbishop Chaput’s column on on May 15th, 2014.

Counting the Days Until Marriage, Not the Wedding

The countdown to the biggest day of my life flashes prominently on my carefully-crafted wedding website and my thorough profile, quantifying just how much time I have left before my CatholicMatch boyfriend turned CatholicMatch finance becomes my husband.

Even though there is a lot of time before our big day, the how-to books and online guides have almost convinced me that time is running out before the save the dates have even hit the post office. The wedding world that I am now immersed in might as well just plainly say that each hour, each minute and each second not spent obsessing over table linens, first dances and my honeymoon packing list are wasted.

The element of time drives every vendor meeting as we count backward from our wedding date, but even the questions from my friends and family suggest that the clock is ticking.

When is your wedding again?

How many days?

Stressed yet?

The countdown to my wedding has already begun.

Like most brides, I have years of hopes and dreams bundled into a delightful feeling of anticipation for my wedding day. I joined CatholicMatch like many of you did – unsure and skeptical, with a small dose of hope – and the fact that I can even write about my experience as an engaged woman is an answered prayer. An Autumn wedding may not be logistically perfect, but I will walk down the aisle and recite ancient vows in front of God to the faithful man whose last name will become my own.

It’s not a fairy tale. It’s real life and a blessing from God that I am just beginning to comprehend.

I find it interesting that the majority of people ask, “When are you getting married?” It’s as if everyone is asking me when I will don a beautiful white gown, carry a bouquet and become a bride. I give them the date, but it’s not just the day I become a bride – it’s the day that I become a wife.

I will say “I do” and forever join myself to another in the sacrament of marriage. “Two will become one,” and I will no longer live for just me. I will die to myself every day and selflessly love my spouse more than anyone else.

I’ve already spent hundreds of hours preparing for my wedding day from the Mass to the dinner to the dance, but when the final guests retreat to their hotel rooms after a night of dancing, I will no longer be a bride. I will be a wife.

As Catholics, we know that a wedding is not just a big party. It’s a holy sacrament and as our priest recently pointed out in a marriage prep session, it’s the only sacrament that we as lay people completely control. While a priest is present as a witness and a symbol of God, the priest does not marry us. We marry each other as we recite our vows. How cool is that?

Unfortunately, we know that in our wedding-obsessed culture, the focus is much less on the sacrament and much more on the show. I’ve read stories about brides that became so consumed with their wedding plans that they experienced “wedding blues” following their nuptials. One wedding planner summed it up by saying:

You always had something to do, decisions to make, places to be, people to not only spend time with, but who were desperately trying to assist your every whim. And now it’s over…Whether you choose to admit it or not, wedding planning became your pastime.

In the days before my wedding, I may do my fair share of wedding planning, but my only true “pastime” will be preparing for the commitment I will make and live out every day after that. The countdown is not just for that day – it’s for a lifetime together. No wedding planner or Pinterest board can prepare us for that. Only prayer, thoughtful conversation and a commitment to our core beliefs will carry us to the altar.

So perhaps my countdown has been off all along. Maybe my master wedding timeline should point to the day after my wedding, the day after the party has ended and my new life as a married woman begins.

Article originally published by CatholicMatch Institute, which provides resources to help single Catholics develop a strong foundation for marriage through advocacy, programs, and scholarships. Used with permission.

3 Modern Obstacles to a Healthy Marriage

If this story, about a couple married for 62 years who died 4 hours apart, does not make you sigh just a little, well … I’m not sure you have a soul.

Or how about the story about Fred Stobaugh, the 96-year-old widower who wrote an ode to his late wife, “Sweet Lorraine,” and entered it in a song-writing contest? If you can watch the video without tearing up, don’t bother reading on. You’re just not human.

Why do stories like these touch our hearts in such a moving way? I think it’s because stories like these so clearly demonstrate the lifelong commitment marriage is meant to be. Till death do us part. We say the words, and we see in them an ideal to aspire to, something we all long to attain, and yet not all of us do.

It’s cliche to lament divorce statistics, but in an attempt to combat the problem of rising divorce rates and declining marriage rates, let’s take a look at some cultural problems that can be obstacles to healthy marriages.

1. We have a mixed-up idea of married love.

It’s normal to go into marriage with some expectation of romance and lovey-dovey stuff. After all, that’s how people wind up wanting to get married in the first place. They fall in love, they have a romantic relationship, and they are so crazy about each other that they can’t wait to start “together forever.” That’s awesome. That’s fun. That’s how God intends for couples to begin.

Every healthy marriage, no matter what stage its in, does have some measure of romantic love. Just as people have different personalities, though, different marriages do too, and most marriages don’t maintain that full-force “romantic” feeling forever. And we should not expect them to.

When people mix up married love with romantic love, they wrongly feel that their marriage is in decline when the romance begins to fade. There are fewer rose-petal baths and more insurance premiums. There are no more love songs and an awful lot of day-to-day drudgery.

Fading romance in a culture that tells couples they can quit when it gets hard, leave when they “fall out of love,” or their spouse “doesn’t make them happy anymore,” is a recipe for discouragement and the kinds of negative, selfish thoughts that can lead to divorce.

2. We fail at self-giving love.

This is a problem I have observed even among very “faithful” Catholics who know and love a lot about their faith. Somehow, we as a Church have failed to help some husbands and wives hear and understand that their call to marriage is a call to make a total gift of self to their spouse.

St. John Paul II emphasizes the importance of “self-gift” in Gaudium et Spes:

Man, who is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself, cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself.

That “sincere gift of self” he mentions is a daily call to sacrifice, and I will let you in on a little secret: It’s not feel-good stuff. It hurts. Like sacrifice always does. That’s why they call it sacrifice.

In my own life, I have seen what look like “perfect” marriages on the outside fall apart on the inside because of a failure of one or both of the spouses to recognize this simple fact: Love comes first. Charity above all things. You can be an otherwise “perfect” Catholic coupleearning a decent living, setting up a home, having children and educating them wellbut if you fail to recognize the importance of loving your spouse with self-giving love, you are failing. At the most important thing. None of that other stuff matters.

We aren’t all perfect at self-sacrifice, of course, and in a healthy marriage there is plenty of room for mistakes, mercy, and forgiveness. The fundamentally important call to hear, however, is the call to love one another and to fully find yourself through a “sincere gift of self” to your spouse. That kind of love isn’t just “nice if you can find it”; it’s what marriage is.

3. We misunderstand the importance of vocation.

Vocation is a tough concept for many of today’s younger generations to understand. The idea of a callingnot a job, but a callingto marriage, priesthood, or religious life is a foreign one to many. When we fail to recognize marriage as a calling, however, we belittle it. Culturally, it becomes a hobby or something nice to do “if you’re into that kind of thing.” It certainly isn’t something you would sacrifice your career for.

But our culture lets young people know that career goals can trump marriage. Travel plans can take precedence. There’s no hurry.

The sad result is that when people get married later in life, there is less likelihood that they will meet their spouses when both are ready to make a commitment, and there are fewer marriage-ready men and women in the dating pool even for those who are looking seriously for a spouse.

If marriage is a vocation, that means it’s your life’s work; it’s not a job and not something you do on the side. It’s something you do first, and then build to rest of your life around, not something you try to fit in later, once you’ve saved up enough money and you’ve accomplished “more important” things.

The saddest part of cultural obstacles to healthy marriage is that they negatively affect a lot of innocent people who desperately want to answer a call to marriage. They want to find their spouse, get married, begin a life-long commitment, and practice self-giving love. But our culture sometimes gets in the way.

The good news, though, is that our God is an awesome God. The power of an anti-marriage culture may be great, but God is greater and He works with what we give Him. All of us, married, single, divorced, widowed, dating, or something in between, can pray every day for the grace we need to live out Christ’s call to perfection in an imperfect world.

Let’s support marriage. Let’s pray for each other. Let’s encourage each another.

Article originally published by CatholicMatch Institute, which provides resources to help single Catholics develop a strong foundation for marriage through advocacy, programs, and scholarships. Used with permission.