Category Archives: Default

Five Suggestions for Holy Week

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the most solemn week of the Church’s liturgical year. During Holy Week, the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of his earthly life, beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

For nearly 40 days the Christian faithful have practiced the disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting and good works. Now the Church invites us to an even deeper spirit of prayer as we follow Christ on his journey to the cross.

Here are five suggestions for couples to use this week as an opportunity to grow in holiness as individuals and as a couple.

1. What do you do with the palm branches you bring home from Palm Sunday Mass? Consider a simple ceremony to place them in your home. See below for a suggested ritual.

2. During the week pray the Seven Penitential Psalms together. These are especially appropriate during Lent. Prayerfully reciting these psalms helps us to recognize our sinfulness, express our sorrow and ask for God’s forgiveness.

3. Celebrate the Sacrament of Penance if you haven’t already done so during Lent. Many parishes have extra hours and/or communal penance services during Holy Week.

4. Attend a service together on Holy Thursday and/or Good Friday. On Thursday, the Church recalls the Last Supper and Jesus’ gift of His Body and Blood. On Friday, parishes hold services to celebrate the Passion of the Lord; many have Stations of the Cross as well.

5. On Holy Saturday, pray for those who will be received into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil. Pray, too, for a deepening of your own faith and the grace to endure the suffering and celebrate the joys of married life.


After dinner or at another time on Palm Sunday, the household gathers where the palms have been placed, perhaps near a crucifix or the family Bible.

All make the sign of the cross. The leader begins:

Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

R/. Hosanna in the highest!

The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the prayer:

We have come to the last days of Lent. Today we heard the reading of the Passion. That story will remain with us as we leave Lent behind on Holy Thursday and enter into the Three Days when we celebrate the mystery of Christ’s passing through suffering and death to life at God’s right hand.

Listen to the words of the second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians: 4:10-11:

[We are] always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

Reader: The Word of the Lord.

R/. Thanks be to God.

After a time of silence, members of the household join in prayers of intercession. The intercessions are followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The leader continues:

Let us pray.

Blessed are you, God of Israel, so rich in love and mercy.
Let these branches ever remind us of Christ’s triumph.
May we who bear them rejoice in his Cross
and sing your praise forever and ever.

R/. Amen.

The leader concludes:

Let us bless the Lord.

All respond, making the sign of the cross:

Thanks be to God.

“Marriage And Mercy” Retreat Day Four: Mercy And Tenderness

Quote for reflection:
“Merciful love also means the cordial tenderness and sensitivity so eloquently spoken of in the parable of the prodigal son, and also in the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. Consequently, merciful love is supremely indispensable between those who are closest to one another: between husbands and wives, between parents and children, between friends.” – St. John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia, no. 14

Breaking open the theme:
St. John Paul II, in his encyclical “Rich in Mercy,” gives some helpful descriptors of mercy: tenderness and sensitivity. Consider the Scripture story he references, the return of the prodigal son. In this story – beloved also by Pope Francis – the father is a model of tenderness. He yearns for his son’s return and he runs to meet him, embracing him in a joyful, tender hug. He doesn’t first tell him what he did wrong; first he assures him of his love. It can be hard to be merciful when someone close to you has let you down. But an attitude of tenderness can help see the whole person and not just his or her failings, and goes a long way in mending relationships.

Real-life example:
Ronald set high standards for himself and his family: his wife of eighteen years, Jackie, and their four children. When one of them made a mistake or did something wrong, his manner was stern and he made very clear his disappointment. His well-intentioned goal was to help his family grow in virtue. But one evening after chastising his daughter for a poor grade, she shouted at him, “You are always so harsh!” Stung, Ronald spoke with his wife and to his surprise, she agreed that he could lighten up a bit. “Maybe be a little more kind,” she said, “more tender. We’re all trying our best, after all.” While it felt uncomfortable at first, Ronald started to make a conscious effort to be gentler with his wife and children, and was pleased to see their relationships deepen in ways they hadn’t before.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read the Scripture story of the prodigal son (Lk 15: 11-32) together.
  2. Reflect: How can you be tenderer toward your spouse and children?
  3. Do: The next time your spouse or child does something to disappoint you, try to temper your disapproval with an affirmation of their goodness and your love for them.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Virtual Retreats Homepage

“Marriage And Mercy” Retreat Day Three: Mercy Is Slow To Anger And Quick To Forgive

Quotes for reflection:
“Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding in kindness.” (Psalm 103:8)

“Jesus, who knows us well, teaches us a secret: don’t let a day end without asking forgiveness, without peace returning to our home, to our family. It is normal for husband and wife to quarrel…perhaps you were mad, perhaps plates flew, but please remember this: never let the sun go down without making peace! Never, never, never!” – Pope Francis, Address to Engaged Couples (2.14.14)

Breaking open the theme: 
In Pope Francis’ typical expressive style, we can picture vividly the strong emotions that can be present in a marriage during a disagreement: “…perhaps plates flew”! But drawing on the wisdom of the Scriptures (Eph 4:26), the Holy Father urges couples to follow a tried and true rule: forgive each other before the day is over. As the Psalmist says, the Lord shows his mercy by being “slow to anger.” What a beautiful image: imagine if spouses were slow to anger and quick to forgive, instead of the other way around.

Real-life example: 
Janice knew that she had a quick temper. Especially when she was tired, or when her plans were disrupted at the last minute, she just felt so angry. She often took it out on her husband Todd, and she always regretted it afterwards. Todd often felt like he was on eggshells around her, not knowing when the next outburst would come. Sincerely desiring change, Janice spoke with her spiritual director about ways to channel her anger and interact with Todd in a more loving, merciful way. For example, she learned to take a break – step away – when her feelings of anger threatened to overwhelm her. Over time, she made great strides in becoming “slow to anger.”

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read together with your spouse Ephesians 4:25-32, which is packed with advice for daily life.
  2. Reflect: What are your anger “triggers”, the things that make you mad easily? Think about what might be behind them. How could you respond differently in those moments?
  3. Do: Put the words “slow to anger” somewhere in your home as a reminder to be more merciful.

Prayer for married couples: 
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Virtual Retreats Homepage

“Marriage and Mercy” Retreat Day Two: Mercy and the Sacraments

Quote for reflection:
“Husbands and wives should take up the burden appointed to them, willingly, in the strength of faith… Let them implore the help of God with unremitting prayer and, most of all, let them draw grace and charity from that unfailing fount which is the Eucharist. If, however, sin still exercises its hold over them, they are not to lose heart. Rather must they, humble and persevering, have recourse to the mercy of God, abundantly bestowed in the Sacrament of Penance.” – Bl. Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae, no. 25

Breaking open the theme:
Bl. Paul VI talks about the “burden” given to husbands and wives of living their marriage faithfully day in and day out. While that might at first sound like a harsh word, not many spouses would disagree that on some days at least, marriage can feel burdensome! The pope goes on to lay out something of an “action plan” for spouses who want to keep their marriage strong: regularly receive the Eucharist, the “unfailing fount” of all grace and strength; and go often to the Sacrament of Penance, where God’s mercy is found in abundance. To hear the words “…and I absolve you from your sins” brings tremendous peace, as well as the strength to overcome sins in the future.

Real-life example:
While John and Marissa didn’t go to confession as much as they would have liked – it always seemed hard to find the time, especially on Saturday afternoons – there was no doubt that they felt a difference whenever they did go. After receiving the sacrament, Marissa noticed that she could be calmer when she felt frustrated with her husband, and John found it easier to say “I’m sorry” to his wife after saying it to God in the confessional. Both resolved to make confession a more regular part of their life as a family.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Memorize the Prayer of Contrition said during the Sacrament of Penance. Even outside of the confessional, it can help spur you on to love of God and growth in virtue.
  2. Reflect: Do you feel closer to God after confession? Closer to your spouse? Why might that be?
  3. Do: Block off on your calendar a regular time for confession for the whole family, like every third Saturday (for example). If you don’t make it sometimes, don’t fret; but do make an effort.

Prayer for married couples: 
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Virtual Retreats Homepage

Marriage Retreat 2015: “Marriage And Mercy”

Day One: With Mercy, God Goes First

Quote for reflection:
“In short, we are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pardoning offenses becomes the clearest expression of merciful love, and for us Christians it is an imperative from which we cannot excuse ourselves.” – Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, no. 9

Breaking open the theme:
Perhaps one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture is Romans 5:8, “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” While we were still sinners, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of his life. This same principle is shown in the story of the prodigal son: while the son “was still a long way off” his father runs to him and embraces him (Luke 15:20). When it comes to mercy, God seeks us first. Always. What possible response could we make to such overwhelming love? To receive it gratefully, and show that same mercy to others.

Real-life example:
Stephanie was still fuming days later. Her husband of just over a year, Tom, once again had lost track of time with his friends and made her wait for hours, wondering where he was and worrying about him. She refused to let it go; how could he be so insensitive? And he didn’t even seem sorry. At the same time, Stephanie realized deep down that her unwillingness to forgive Tom was also hurting her, causing her a lot of tension and unhappiness. Recalling advice they had received during marriage preparation, Stephanie began praying for the Lord to soften her heart, and said out loud, “I forgive you” even though she didn’t feel it. While it didn’t happen instantly, she did feel more charitable toward Tom over time, and felt her own heart become lighter. Soon they were able to talk calmly about what had happened, reconcile, and talk about what to do differently in the future.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read Matt 18:21-35 together with your spouse, about the unforgiving servant.
  2. Reflect: Do you find it hard to forgive others unless you think they “deserve” it or have “earned” it? Why? Reflect on your own life and the gift of God’s mercy to you.
  3. Do: Are you holding a grudge about something and refusing to forgive? Try journaling about your feelings or talking with a trusted spiritual director. Perhaps even take the plunge and say, “I forgive you.”

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Two: Mercy And The Sacraments

Quote for reflection:
“Husbands and wives should take up the burden appointed to them, willingly, in the strength of faith… Let them implore the help of God with unremitting prayer and, most of all, let them draw grace and charity from that unfailing fount which is the Eucharist. If, however, sin still exercises its hold over them, they are not to lose heart. Rather must they, humble and persevering, have recourse to the mercy of God, abundantly bestowed in the Sacrament of Penance.” – Bl. Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae, no. 25

Breaking open the theme:
Bl. Paul VI talks about the “burden” given to husbands and wives of living their marriage faithfully day in and day out. While that might at first sound like a harsh word, not many spouses would disagree that on some days at least, marriage can feel burdensome! The pope goes on to lay out something of an “action plan” for spouses who want to keep their marriage strong: regularly receive the Eucharist, the “unfailing fount” of all grace and strength; and go often to the Sacrament of Penance, where God’s mercy is found in abundance. To hear the words “…and I absolve you from your sins” brings tremendous peace, as well as the strength to overcome sins in the future.

Real-life example:
While John and Marissa didn’t go to confession as much as they would have liked – it always seemed hard to find the time, especially on Saturday afternoons – there was no doubt that they felt a difference whenever they did go. After receiving the sacrament, Marissa noticed that she could be calmer when she felt frustrated with her husband, and John found it easier to say “I’m sorry” to his wife after saying it to God in the confessional. Both resolved to make confession a more regular part of their life as a family.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Memorize the Prayer of Contrition said during the Sacrament of Penance. Even outside of the confessional, it can help spur you on to love of God and growth in virtue.
  2. Reflect: Do you feel closer to God after confession? Closer to your spouse? Why might that be?
  3. Do: Block off on your calendar a regular time for confession for the whole family, like every third Saturday (for example). If you don’t make it sometimes, don’t fret; but do make an effort.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Three: Mercy Is Slow To Anger And Quick To Forgive

Quotes for reflection:
“Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding in kindness.” (Psalm 103:8)

“Jesus, who knows us well, teaches us a secret: don’t let a day end without asking forgiveness, without peace returning to our home, to our family. It is normal for husband and wife to quarrel…perhaps you were mad, perhaps plates flew, but please remember this: never let the sun go down without making peace! Never, never, never!” – Pope Francis, Address to Engaged Couples (2.14.14)

Breaking open the theme:
In Pope Francis’ typical expressive style, we can picture vividly the strong emotions that can be present in a marriage during a disagreement: “…perhaps plates flew”! But drawing on the wisdom of the Scriptures (Eph 4:26), the Holy Father urges couples to follow a tried and true rule: forgive each other before the day is over. As the Psalmist says, the Lord shows his mercy by being “slow to anger.” What a beautiful image: imagine if spouses were slow to anger and quick to forgive, instead of the other way around.

Real-life example:
Janice knew that she had a quick temper. Especially when she was tired, or when her plans were disrupted at the last minute, she just felt so angry. She often took it out on her husband Todd, and she always regretted it afterwards. Todd often felt like he was on eggshells around her, not knowing when the next outburst would come. Sincerely desiring change, Janice spoke with her spiritual director about ways to channel her anger and interact with Todd in a more loving, merciful way. For example, she learned to take a break – step away – when her feelings of anger threatened to overwhelm her. Over time, she made great strides in becoming “slow to anger.”

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read together with your spouse Ephesians 4:25-32, which is packed with advice for daily life.
  2. Reflect: What are your anger “triggers”, the things that make you mad easily? Think about what might be behind them. How could you respond differently in those moments?
  3. Do: Put the words “slow to anger” somewhere in your home as a reminder to be more merciful.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Four: Mercy And Tenderness

Quote for reflection:
“Merciful love also means the cordial tenderness and sensitivity so eloquently spoken of in the parable of the prodigal son, and also in the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. Consequently, merciful love is supremely indispensable between those who are closest to one another: between husbands and wives, between parents and children, between friends.” – St. John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia, no. 14

Breaking open the theme:
St. John Paul II, in his encyclical “Rich in Mercy,” gives some helpful descriptors of mercy: tenderness and sensitivity. Consider the Scripture story he references, the return of the prodigal son. In this story – beloved also by Pope Francis – the father is a model of tenderness. He yearns for his son’s return and he runs to meet him, embracing him in a joyful, tender hug. He doesn’t first tell him what he did wrong; first he assures him of his love. It can be hard to be merciful when someone close to you has let you down. But an attitude of tenderness can help see the whole person and not just his or her failings, and goes a long way in mending relationships.

Real-life example:
Ronald set high standards for himself and his family: his wife of eighteen years, Jackie, and their four children. When one of them made a mistake or did something wrong, his manner was stern and he made very clear his disappointment. His well-intentioned goal was to help his family grow in virtue. But one evening after chastising his daughter for a poor grade, she shouted at him, “You are always so harsh!” Stung, Ronald spoke with his wife and to his surprise, she agreed that he could lighten up a bit. “Maybe be a little more kind,” she said, “more tender. We’re all trying our best, after all.” While it felt uncomfortable at first, Ronald started to make a conscious effort to be gentler with his wife and children, and was pleased to see their relationships deepen in ways they hadn’t before.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read the Scripture story of the prodigal son (Lk 15: 11-32) together.
  2. Reflect: How can you be tenderer toward your spouse and children?
  3. Do: The next time your spouse or child does something to disappoint you, try to temper your disapproval with an affirmation of their goodness and your love for them.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Five: Mercy And Patience

Quote for reflection:
“Brothers and sisters, God’s face is the face of a merciful father who is always patient. Have you thought about God’s patience, the patience He has with each one of us? That is His mercy. He always has patience, patience with us, He understands us, He waits for us, He does not tire of forgiving us if we are able to return to Him with a contrite heart.” – Pope Francis, Angelus(3.17.13)

Breaking open the theme:
Have you thought about God’s patience, like the pope asks? Think of all the times in the Old Testament when the Lord gave the Israelites another chance after they sinned. Think of Jesus’ words that we should forgive others “not seven times but seventy-seven times” (Matt 18:22). Even now, there is no point during our life when it is “too late” for God to forgive us. We shouldn’t put off asking God’s forgiveness, but neither should we fear that he will grow tired of our pleas for mercy. This same patience should be shown to our family members, too.*

*This does not mean that spouses or children should endure domestic violence. If you or someone you know is in danger in their home, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.

Real-life example:
For Kathy, one of the biggest challenges in her marriage was forgiving her husband of forty-two years, Dave, when he did the same inconsiderate thing, again. “Why can this man not learn?” she would grumble to herself. At the same time, she knew that she, too, struggled with the same selfish tendencies now as when they were newlyweds, and Dave time and again offered his forgiveness to her. In other words, a good dose of humility and self-knowledge helped Kathy realize that Dave was in fact trying and that her willingness to forgive (seventy times seven did not seem far-fetched for one lifetime!) made their marriage ever-stronger.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Ask the Lord for patience like his, especially for the daily opportunities to forgive your spouse.
  2. Reflect: Is there anything you are holding back confessing to God, or to your spouse, because you’re not sure if they will forgive you?
  3. Do: Thank your spouse for the forgiveness he or she offers you.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Six: Jesus Shows Us The Face Of Mercy

Quotes for reflection:
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matt 5:7)

The Paschal Mystery – Jesus’ death and Resurrection – “bears within itself the most complete revelation of mercy, that is, of that love which is more powerful than death, more powerful than sin and every evil, the love which lifts man up when he falls into the abyss.” – St. John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia, no. 15

Breaking open the theme:
To know what mercy really is, we must look at Jesus. Mercy is more than simple kindness or forgiveness or being nice to people, although it can certainly be shown in those actions. The most perfect image of mercy, though, is Jesus’ willing sacrifice on the Cross and his triumph over death itself. Because Jesus defeated sin, we can be forgiven our own sins, no matter what. We can take confidence in Jesus’ promise that good will ultimately triumph over evil. That is the message of mercy!

Real-life example:
For over twenty years, Michael had felt a gnawing guilt over his habit of watching pornography. He loved his wife, Janet, and furtively hid his pornography use from her. But one day – he knew it had to happen eventually – she found out. Janet felt deeply betrayed, and Michael felt almost unbearable shame. They both wondered whether their marriage would survive. Janet insisted that Michael seek out help, so he called their parish priest. In their first meeting, Michael let everything off his chest for the first time, all the years of hiding and guilt and sin. The priest responded with kindness and offered the Sacrament of Penance. Michael felt overcome with unworthiness but also for the first time felt hope that he could change. God’s mercy had never felt so real.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Together with your spouse, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for your marriage and family.
  2. Reflect: What difference does it make to you to know that God’s mercy can forgive any sin and that his goodness triumphs over all evil? What would it be like if this weren’t true?
  3. Do: If you or your spouse is struggling with a major sin like pornography use, infidelity or something else damaging to your marriage, get help right away from a priest or trusted friend.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Day Seven: Forgiveness In The Family

Quote for reflection:
“One cannot live without seeking forgiveness, or at least, one cannot live at peace, especially in the family. We wrong one another every day. We must take into account these mistakes, due to our frailty and our selfishness. However, what we are asked to do is to promptly heal the wounds that we cause, to immediately reweave the bonds that break within the family.” – Pope Francis, Wednesday Audience (11.4.15)

Breaking open the theme:
Do Pope Francis’ words ring true to you? “We wrong one another every day.” We are frail and selfish. Unfortunately, sin affects all of us and all of our relationships. The communion of persons in marriage and the family is a sign of God’s love, so division and strife strike at its very meaning and mission. However, the realization that we fail our family members, perhaps even daily, is not a cause for despair. It is an invitation to receive God’s mercy and to offer that mercy to our loved ones – “immediately,” says Pope Francis!

Real-life example:
After a long day of work, both Samuel and Angela felt tired and out of sorts. When they realized that neither of them had thought to make babysitting arrangements for the following travel weekend, the incriminations started. Ten minutes later, they both felt even worse and now misunderstood and blamed. “Is this what marriage is supposed to be like?” thought Angela to herself. Samuel was about to storm out of the room with an angry word when he stopped and checked himself. He had been trying to get into the habit of offering forgiveness quickly, before a situation escalated. “I’m sorry, honey,” he said. “Look – let’s get some dinner and wind down, and then figure something out.” The words were welcome and healing to Angela, and she too was grateful for an about-face that prevented the couple from another dead-end argument.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Ask the Lord’s healing for situations in your marriage and family that aren’t peaceful.
  2. Reflect: What areas of selfishness do you struggle with the most? How do they affect your spouse?
  3. Do: Don’t hesitate to speak healing words into a tense situation as soon as possible: “I love you,” “I forgive you,” “I’m sorry.” These can defuse tension and re-focus the conversation.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Virtual Retreats Homepage

“Marriage And Mercy” Retreat Day Five: Mercy And Patience

Quote for reflection:
“Brothers and sisters, God’s face is the face of a merciful father who is always patient. Have you thought about God’s patience, the patience He has with each one of us? That is His mercy. He always has patience, patience with us, He understands us, He waits for us, He does not tire of forgiving us if we are able to return to Him with a contrite heart.” – Pope Francis, Angelus (3.17.13)

Breaking open the theme:
Have you thought about God’s patience, like the pope asks? Think of all the times in the Old Testament when the Lord gave the Israelites another chance after they sinned. Think of Jesus’ words that we should forgive others “not seven times but seventy-seven times” (Matt 18:22). Even now, there is no point during our life when it is “too late” for God to forgive us. We shouldn’t put off asking God’s forgiveness, but neither should we fear that he will grow tired of our pleas for mercy. This same patience should be shown to our family members, too.*

*This does not mean that spouses or children should endure domestic violence. If you or someone you know is in danger in their home, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.

Real-life example:
For Kathy, one of the biggest challenges in her marriage was forgiving her husband of forty-two years, Dave, when he did the same inconsiderate thing, again. “Why can this man not learn?” she would grumble to herself. At the same time, she knew that she, too, struggled with the same selfish tendencies now as when they were newlyweds, and Dave time and again offered his forgiveness to her. In other words, a good dose of humility and self-knowledge helped Kathy realize that Dave was in fact trying and that her willingness to forgive (seventy times seven did not seem far-fetched for one lifetime!) made their marriage ever-stronger.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Ask the Lord for patience like his, especially for the daily opportunities to forgive your spouse.
  2. Reflect: Is there anything you are holding back confessing to God, or to your spouse, because you’re not sure if they will forgive you?
  3. Do: Thank your spouse for the forgiveness he or she offers you.

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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“Marriage and Mercy” Retreat Day One: With Mercy, God Goes First

Quote for reflection:
“In short, we are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pardoning offenses becomes the clearest expression of merciful love, and for us Christians it is an imperative from which we cannot excuse ourselves.” – Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, no. 9

Breaking open the theme:
Perhaps one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture is Romans 5:8, “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” While we were still sinners, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of his life. This same principle is shown in the story of the prodigal son: while the son “was still a long way off” his father runs to him and embraces him (Luke 15:20). When it comes to mercy, God seeks us first. Always. What possible response could we make to such overwhelming love? To receive it gratefully, and show that same mercy to others.

Real-life example:
Stephanie was still fuming days later. Her husband of just over a year, Tom, once again had lost track of time with his friends and made her wait for hours, wondering where he was and worrying about him. She refused to let it go; how could he be so insensitive? And he didn’t even seem sorry. At the same time, Stephanie realized deep down that her unwillingness to forgive Tom was also hurting her, causing her a lot of tension and unhappiness. Recalling advice they had received during marriage preparation, Stephanie began praying for the Lord to soften her heart, and said out loud, “I forgive you” even though she didn’t feel it. While it didn’t happen instantly, she did feel more charitable toward Tom over time, and felt her own heart become lighter. Soon they were able to talk calmly about what had happened, reconcile, and talk about what to do differently in the future.

Put it into practice:

  1. Pray: Read Matt 18:21-35 together with your spouse, about the unforgiving servant.
  2. Reflect: Do you find it hard to forgive others unless you think they “deserve” it or have “earned” it? Why? Reflect on your own life and the gift of God’s mercy to you.
  3. Do: Are you holding a grudge about something and refusing to forgive? Try journaling about your feelings or talking with a trusted spiritual director. Perhaps even take the plunge and say, “I forgive you.”

Prayer for married couples:
Almighty and eternal God,
You blessed the union of husband and wife
So that we might reflect the union of Christ with his Church:
look with kindness on us.
Renew our marriage covenant.
Increase your love in us,
and strengthen our bond of peace
so that, [with our children],
we may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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Who Me, Pray?…With Her?

Down to earth questions and answers about praying as a couple:

Q. Why bother?

A. As you probably know, 46-48% of marriages end in divorce.

But did you also know that:

  • For couples who worship together each Sunday only about 20% divorce.
  • For couples who also regularly pray together at home marital stability is even greater.

Praying together can be divorce insurance, but it sounds kind of awkward. Sure it’s fine for priests and nuns or really holy people, but what about normal married couples?

Q. But we go to church on Sunday and say grace before meals. Isn’t that enough?

A. That’s great! Of course these prayer times are important and valuable, but they are different from couple prayer. There is a certain intimacy and vulnerability that comes from opening your heart to God in the presence of your spouse.

Q. OK, we might give it a try, but where do we start?

A. There is no wrong way to pray and the desire to try is prayer in itself. First, some preliminary decisions:

  • Decide a time. Presumably both of you are very busy. Isn’t everyone these days? So finding an agreeable, semi-reliable time is essential. After experimenting with several times of day my husband and I agreed on first thing in the morning (about 15 minutes before the first child is expected to awake). Since Jim is a morning person and I’m not, his job is to wake me and say it’s time.
  • Decide a place. Anywhere will do, but it’s nice to have a bible or whatever reading you plan to use handy. If clutter is endemic to your home at least find a place where you can cover it or turn your back on it. Personally, I like to have a window that I can look out of and see the sky. If it’s dark, lighting a candle can be inspiring.
  • Decide how often. Ideally, daily is the way to go since there is a rhythm and regularity to it. In our own marriage, however, we have made peace with a less than ideal but workable goal. We commit to weekdays since that’s more predictable than the weekends. We figure Mass takes care of Sunday. We also make exceptions for illness, being out of town, pregnancy (when almost any time felt nauseous), or unexpected interruptions like crying babies. It’s not perfect, but we feel we’re doing OK if we meet our bottom line of doing it more often than not. God wants our attention not our guilt.

Q. So what do we do once we’re sitting together?

A. There are many ways to pray depending on your style and preferences.

Here are a few:

___Memorized prayers
___Reflection on today or tomorrow
___Reading scripture
___Guided meditation (from a book)
___Writing in a journal
___Reading an inspirational book
___Rosary or devotions
___Meditation on a spiritual theme
___Liturgy of the Hours
___Your own creation

Rank the above styles from 1 to 10 and find the ways that appeal to both of you.

Q. Hey, we’re not theologians. What do we do with the information above?

A. Keep it simple. After trying to be creative and experimenting with a variety of styles my husband and I found that for regular couple prayer to work for us it had to be very simple. Eventually we settled on the following format:

One Model – 5 Easy Steps

  1. One spouse finds the scripture reading of the day
  2. One opens the prayer with a phrase like “Lord, we come before you at the start of our day.”
  3. Read the scripture out loud.
  4. Sit in silence for awhile. (We may think about the scripture, the upcoming day and how we will live it out, or perhaps put some thoughts in a journal). Inevitably for me, some time is spent daydreaming. I’m not proud of this, but I would do you no favor to suggest that you fail when not fully concentrating. Sometimes I just offer up the distraction and figure I’m honoring God by the effort I made just to show up.
  5. At the appointed ending time, each spouse makes a petition flowing from the silent prayer.

Q. Can you simplify “simple”?

A. How about after the alarm goes off (before you get out of bed) hold hands and offer a prayer for a good day, help with a particular problem, or thanksgiving. Likewise, at night, after turning off the light, hold hands and offer a prayer of thanks for anything that day.

Q. What if my spouse just isn’t into couple prayer? (S)he is a good person and we pray individually but we just aren’t going to be able to do it together.

A. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Sure couple prayer is good and can bring you closer together, but God’s love is bigger than any prayer form. Pray for each other in your own way.

Q. How do we find the Scripture of the day or other books of the Bible?

A. To find the daily readings, go to

About the author
Susan Vogt is an author and speaker on marriage, parenting, and spirituality. Her website is

7 Signs of a Functional Relationship

During my year studying Interpersonal Communications, I was introduced to the work of one of the top researchers in marriage and relationship health, Dr. John M. Gottman. Throughout my post college years, I have kept up with his research. He is most famous for developing a formula that accurately predicts divorce after observing a couple interact with one another for only five minutes!

Here I will describe Dr. John Gottman’s findings through his research on successful, happy couples, as written in his book, The Science of Trust.

1. Matches in Conflict Style

Most people fall into one of three conflict styles: validators, avoiders, and volatiles. If the ratio of positivity to negativity in conflicts was 5:1, the relationships were functional. However, mismatches in conflict style will increase risk of divorce. The mismatches usually mean one person wants the other to change, but that person is avoiding change. The researchers did not find any volatiles and avoiders matched. They speculate it’s because they don’t get past the courtship phase!

2. Dialogue With Perpetual Issues

Gottman discovered that only 31% of couples’ disagreements were resolvable! This means the majority of conflicts were about perpetual problems, which was attributed to personality differences (even among similar temperaments). While active listening seems like a good idea in theory, it almost never is practiced or works in real life settings, because if there is any negativity at all, the listener finds that hard to ignore and will usually react to it.

One of the biggest indicators for a successful relationship is having a “soft” start-up. This usually puts the pressure on women, since we are the ones who bring up issues in the relationship 80% of the time. The positive responses in these conflicts were from couples in relationships who used the gentler start-up. So remember to keep your sense of humor, and be sensitive to your beloved! Dialogue is necessary to avoid “gridlock” in conflicts, and remember, God created us uniquely, so rejoice in that!

3. Present Issues as Situational Joint Problems

Instead of blaming your spouse for your feelings of irritability and disappointment in the relationship, express how you feel, but then identify your needs. Be gentle in this conversation. Focus on what he or she is doing right, and acknowledge that first. Remember, you’re not perfect either, so don’t expect gratitude for your complaints.

4. Successful Repair Attempts

No one is perfect. After years of spending time with someone, you’re going to get on their nerves from time to time, and vice versa. This is actually a good thing! It helps us identify our areas of weakness beyond the shadow of a doubt, and remain humble through seeking correction.

Your goal in a relationship is not to avoid these conflict situations, or punish yourself when they happen, but rather process the damage done and make repair. This point of repair is so crucial. Saying sorry alone is never enough. Work with your spouse in identifying those areas where you strayed, apologize for those specifics, and ask what you can do to make it up to them.

I teach my daughters that for every offense they commit to one another, they must actively seek three to five good things to do in reparation for them. Repairs also help maintain the positive balance in the relationship.

5. Remaining Physiologically Calm During Conflict

Once adrenaline is flooding our bodies, we are rendered incapable of empathetic conversation. Learn techniques and skills to self-soothe. When you sense your temper rising, either take a break, or interject with some humor. Reach out to hold each other’s hands. Stop the negativity in its tracks. These skills will not only help you in your marriage, but they will help you as a parent when you teach your children positive methods of self-soothing.

6. Accept Influence From Your Spouse

Resist the pattern of turning down every request your husband and wife makes. Accepting influence means looking at your beloved’s point of view, and allowing their way, as long as it’s not immoral. This means stretching your comfort zone. So if your significant other asks for you to wake up early on a Saturday morning to pray in front of abortion clinic, for example, try it, instead of making excuses or backing down.

7. Building Friendship, Intimacy, and Positivity Affects Systems

This is where couples who practice Natural Family Planning have an advantage. There is already that regular built-in daily evaluation of how you’re going to spend your time together, and how you will show your love for one another. The issue isn’t whether you do love each other, but rather which way are you going to express it today? This just means keeping up the courtship all throughout marriage. Learn to love each other well. Keep a greater ratio of positivity to negativity. Start those habits now, and you’ll have a seamless transition into marriage.

My husband, Alex and I can attribute much of our success in marriage to prayer, regularly receiving the sacraments, and following these points in our relationship. After reading these points, maybe you’ll find an area that needs improvement in your own relationship. If you recognize these habits in your own relationship, congrats! Keep up the good work; you’re on the road to happily ever after.

Article originally published by CatholicMatch Institute, which provides resources to help single Catholics develop a strong foundation for marriage through advocacy, programs, and scholarships. Used with permission.

Bachelor Parties: Cheating on Your Future Spouse?

Recently, my wife and some of her girlfriends had a ladies movie night. As the evening drew to a close and I emerged from the back room, I walked into an unexpected conversation about Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). The discussion focused on the odd contradiction of gluttonizing oneself the day before Lent and completely gorging oneself the day before fasting.

For some reason, bachelor parties immediately came to mind and it seemed there was a similar parallel. For many guys (and this can go for ladies too), they desire to have a one last night of other women before being chained down to one woman for the rest of their lives. Some men wish to have a stripper come to the party. Others prefer multiple women by going to a strip club complete with lap dances.

In this shallow view, marriage is seen as a sort of slavery, something that will suck the life out of you, taking away your freedom and any chance of fun. Being totally committed to one woman seems daunting, and it’s a reluctant duty rather than a joyful commitment. The mindset, therefore, is that a guy must live it up one last time. This kind of gloomy anticipation of marriage always makes me wonder why they want to get married in the first place. It reminds me of the popular t-shirt which has a bride and a groom standing next to each other. The bride has a huge smile on her face while the groom wears a huge frown. At the bottom of the shirt it says “Game Over.” Now, if this is what people think marriage is, why get married?

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having a bachelor party or a night of fun with friends. For my bachelor party, we played Laser Tag, came back and played video games and watched movies while eating man food. It was fun, pure, and there was no cheating on my fiancée with other women the night before our wedding.

Sadly, this is not always the case. Some desire one last hoorah with someone other than the person they are engaged to. Isn’t this very problematic though? Getting stone drunk or having strippers before marriage is, at best, an oxymoron. For men, it’s an offense against their bride (or vice versa), her beauty, and her dignity. Your wife (or husband) is our number #1 before and after marriage. How can a man claim to love his fiancée and be committed to her while simultaneously going off to enjoy other women for a night?

We don’t promise ourselves to our future spouse on the day of our marriage, but many months before when we propose to them. Faithfulness and commitment don’t start on the wedding day but before—long before. The wedding is just the next step of the journey. So, it is essential to train ourselves in faithfulness to our spouse and to form good habits long before that big day even arrives.

If someone believes they are losing their life and freedom by getting married, then can they really know what marriage is? Perhaps they are not ready or mature enough to enter into this serious sacrament of holy matrimony. Or, perhaps they need to read and learn what marriage is about and then prepare themselves more for that sacrament. It’s important to understand the sacrifice that’s needed for marriage, but also to understand how that sacrifice frees you and fulfills you when you choose it freely. You are not having your freedom taken away in marriage per say, but rather, you are surrendering certain things for the sake of your beloved. The sacrifices are done out of love, and this kind of love yields an amazing power, beauty, and contentment.

Marriage is only a drag when we’re dominated by self-centeredness. As a married man, I am more than happy to commit to my wife, my best friend, my soulmate, and to sacrifice certain things for my bride. While marriage takes work, no doubt, there is no real happiness or fulfillment without it. Love and marriage are about giving, not receiving. But, if both lovers give all they have to each other, then both simultaneously receive. Marriage is a reciprocal gift of self, a beautiful life-long gift of love which makes you holy!

Article originally published by CatholicMatch Institute, which provides resources to help single Catholics develop a strong foundation for marriage through advocacy, programs, and scholarships. Used with permission.