Planning the Wedding: Stressful or Sacramental?
Blog: Faithfoley Yours
Planning a wedding can be stressful, for sure. But it's also a special time of a couple's life. Keeping the focus on the sacrament makes all the difference! More →...
Planning a wedding is both exciting and stressful. Couples getting married in the Catholic Church know that their wedding day is much more than getting the right flowers or venue, but those practical details can get in the way of a focus on the couple’s faith and trust in God’s love in the sacrament. If you’ve had your wedding planned since the fourth grade – or if you’re at a loss for where to start – this information will help answer questions you have about Catholic weddings, and give you practical ways to keep God, your faith, and love at the center of the big day.
“I have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O LORD, have given me.” (Dt 26:10) There are many demands in life and we can only give so much effort. Do you give your best to God and your spouse or do they get the time that is leftover?
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