Waltzing with Anna
Blog: Day by Day
“#WaltzingwithAnna” is one of the leading contenders in a series of wedding hashtags suggested by our friends, and now we’re a step closer to making that hashtag a reality. A...
You’re engaged – congratulations! What a joyful and exciting time. When you were dating, you probably had heart to heart conversations about many things. Now that you’ve taken a definitive step toward the Sacrament of Marriage, it’s important to delve into topics that will impact your lives together. This happens mainly in formal marriage preparation classes or meetings with your priest, but there are also great conversation starters here on this site. For more information about making your wedding day beautiful and meaningful, check out Planning a Catholic Wedding. Engagement is also a great time to learn about Natural Family Planning!
“Abram put his faith in the LORD, who credited it to him as an act of righteousness.” (Gn 15:6). Placing our faith in God is not easy and requires us to relinquish our own wills to His. What is an example of how you trusted God? Talk with your spouse about the peace that accompanied that act of faith.
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