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For Your Marriage

Sarah married her best friend Daniel in 2009. Each month she shares about their life filled with faith and family.

Almost Two Weeks Later

Our son Charlie will be 13 days old tonight, and 13 days have never lasted so long. I hardly know where to begin! I also have hardly had the time to begin (or the ability to sit comfortably in our computer chair to write a blog entry for that matter) but things are beginning to settle down… at least somewhat.

This is just a brief entry to let you know that all is well; Charles Edward is a calm, happy, and healthy baby who loves to sleep so much that his worry-wart of a mother has at times been concerned about his so often apparent lack of interest in waking up to eat. Of course, he is a big baby with an adorable double chin who was back up to his birth weight within his first week. I really don’t need to worry!

As for Daniel and me, we are just as was to be expected: exhausted. The nights are very long, and no matter how tired I am the first light of day is always very welcome. We have been spending our days changing diapers and onesies, taking hundreds of pictures, and having movie marathons (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc.) while I nurse Charlie on the living room couch.

Daniel doesn’t go back to work until next Tuesday, and for the first several days he did an excellent job of taking care of both me and Charlie. I’m feeling much better now than I did, but I still don’t know how I’m going to manage when Daniel isn’t here all day. I’ll be fine I’m sure, but it’s going to take some getting used to.

I’ll get into more detail as soon as I can—later this week I hope! Thank you all for your prayers; I can’t believe our son is actually here! God has been so good to us.