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For Your Marriage

Sarah married her best friend Daniel in 2009. Each month she shares about their life filled with faith and family.

39 Weeks!

We’re getting so close now. I once heard someone say that God must have made the end of pregnancy so uncomfortable and tiring so that women wouldn’t dread labor and delivery so much by the time it came, just to get it over with. I think that could very well be the case. In fact, I would be wishing to go into labor right now, except for a couple of things.

One is that our house is still not quite ready. The other is that as Daniel and I have been counting down the days until the arrival of our firstborn, my very good friend Kristen has been counting down the days until her wedding. Her countdown is now ending; she is getting married tomorrow, and I really would rather not go into labor right before the event, causing me to miss it. Even less do I want to have my water break in the middle of their vows or start having contractions during the reception. I hope you’re paying attention, Charlie or Samantha!

We have another doctor’s appointment this afternoon—as of last Friday the baby’s head had dropped but I wasn’t at all dilated yet. We’ll see if that has changed!

I’m sorry about the brevity of this entry. It’s so hard to come up with something interesting to write about when it seems like my day consists of the following scrambled thoughts: “Baby’s coming soon, I have to get ready,” and “Oh my goodness, I have go to put my feet up and read a book.” The latter is not very productive, in case you were wondering.

Until next week!